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Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant Program

cvaKeep Our Water Clean – Use PumpOuts

Call Keco today for Complimentary CVA Grant Assistance

Click Here for a Master List of CVA Grant Coordinators


What is the Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant?

In 1992, Congress passed the Clean Vessel Act to help reduce pollution from vessel sewage discharges into U.S. waters. The Grant Program established by the act helps fund the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of PumpOut and dump stations to service pleasure craft.

Are You Eligible?

The Clean Vessel Act grant funds are available to both public and private sectors. To participate in this program, the PumpOut stations must be open to the general boating public.

What does the Grant cover?

The Grant will reimburse recipients for up to 75% of the installation cost of PumpOut and dump stations. This includes the cost of new equipment, or the renovation or upgrading of existing equipment, as well as necessary pumps, piping, fitting, lift stations, on-site miscellaneous equipment needed for a complete and efficient station.

What will it cost?

As a grant recipient, you are responsible for at least 25% of the installed costs of the PumpOut and dump station facilities provided under the grant program. This 25% match can be cash, the fair market value of any labor or materials provided, or a combination thereof.

Already Have a System That Is Grant Funded?

If you currently have a system that was paid for by the grant and was purchased over 5 years ago, you are probably eligible for an additional grant to upgrade or add and an existing pump.

Can I Charge Boaters To Use The PumpOut?

A maximum fee of $5.00 may be charged for the use of PumpOut facilities constructed or maintained with grant funds. The funds collected must go towards the operation and maintenance cost of the equipment.

Can You Be Reimbursed For A PumpOut You've Already Installed?

No. Costs incurred prior to the effective date of a grant agreement are not allowable.
